Инсталация на nodejs в centos сървър

Как да инсталираме nodejs в CentOS 7 ?

По време на разработката на даден софтуер, се налага да използваме и  nodejs

Може много бързо да направим инсталацията.

[root@web08 ~]# curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash -

## Installing the NodeSource Node.js 10.x repo...

## Inspecting system...

+ rpm -q --whatprovides redhat-release || rpm -q --whatprovides centos-release || rpm -q --whatprovides cloudlinux-release || rpm -q --whatprovides sl-release
+ uname -m

## Confirming "el7-x86_64" is supported...

+ curl -sLf -o /dev/null 'https://rpm.nodesource.com/pub_10.x/el/7/x86_64/nodesource-release-el7-1.noarch.rpm'

## Downloading release setup RPM...

+ mktemp
+ curl -sL -o '/tmp/tmp.9JzkuiwYKk' 'https://rpm.nodesource.com/pub_10.x/el/7/x86_64/nodesource-release-el7-1.noarch.rpm'

## Installing release setup RPM...

+ rpm -i --nosignature --force '/tmp/tmp.9JzkuiwYKk'

## Cleaning up...

+ rm -f '/tmp/tmp.9JzkuiwYKk'

## Checking for existing installations...

+ rpm -qa 'node|npm' | grep -v nodesource

## Run `sudo yum install -y nodejs` to install Node.js 10.x and npm.
## You may also need development tools to build native addons:
sudo yum install gcc-c++ make
## To install the Yarn package manager, run:
curl -sL https://dl.yarnpkg.com/rpm/yarn.repo | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo
sudo yum install yarn

[root@web08 ~]# yum install nodejs

[root@web08 ~]# node --version

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